

Robotic ASD Satellite

The project involves creating a robotic software and hardware suite for correction children with autistic disorders.

Target Audience and Its Problems

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a mental disorder. People with ASD often face problems with social communication and interaction. Their main problem is communicating attention and reciprocity when interacting with a partner.

Parents of such children face the problem of their personal freedom—they cannot just leave their children at home and go to work or buy groceries

There are 70 million people with ASD in the world (1~2%)

  • USA: 4.81 million (1 in 68)
  • Europe: about 7.5 million people with ASD
  • China: 5,5 million (39 per 10000)

Diagnosed ASD Incidence in the World (per Number of People without ASD)

ASD Spread in the World

The chart shows the ASD spread per country. According to the data, the USA is on top of the list with 1.68% of people having ASD, while in Portugal this amount is much lower.

Amount of people per person with ASD

Proposed Solution

Nowadays, our specialists have completed preliminary development to create a robotic software and hardware suite. The algorithms and the knowledge base of this suite will include techniques used by experts so that parents can independently work with their children for correction their disorder, as well as monitor children with ASD and their psychological state.

Let’s compare the cost of this suite with what specialists charge: we can see that the suite would pay off in 2 or 3 months. What has already been done?

The state tracking system has been implemented

Lightweight and convenient sensors* have been carefully selected, including a neural interface to read signals from the child’s brain

All tasks are selected and adapted together with experts

The software to combine the educational platform has been enhanced

A robotic conversation partner has been added. Its appearance and functions have been carefully selected together with experts.

* Software to analyze images from a camera can be used instead of the sensors. The emotion recognition system makes an important part of the suite.

Neurogress Suite Includes

  • 1

    Sensors to capture dynamic biometric parameters of children (motion sensors, neural interface, etc.).

  • 2

    Access to software with a customized educational system intended for children with ASD and to additional applications including emotion recognition software. (A webcam is required.)

  • 3

    Assistant Robot, which provides a “participation effect” to develop communication skills. It shows physical movements and helps children with play and educational activities.

  • 4

    Remote monitoring and alert system for children with ASD, which is software installed on other computers (including mobile phones) to monitor children and alert parents and teachers about their state. (A compact video camera is used.)

Education system

Ducational platform Includes 7 blocks:

  • 1

    Imitation of movements

  • 2

    Vocal and verbal imitation

  • 3

    Receptive speech

  • 4


  • 5

    Expressive speech development

  • 6

    Visual cognitive sphere development

  • 7

    Game skills development

To develop successfully, children with ASD need to master all 7 blocks.

RAS Suite helps children to work independently.

Technologies Used in RAS Suite

Artificial Intelligence

Computer Vision

Big Data

Machine Learning


Our Contacts


  • Spain, Barcelona:
    Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167


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